Large-leaf Avens flowers
Large-leaf Avens flowers
Large-leaf Avens flowers
Large-leaf Avens
Large-leaf Avens
Large-leaf Avens seeds
Large-leaf Avens seeds


Large-leaf avens is a late spring perennial of the Rose family, closely related and in resemblance to strawberries and cinquefoils. Native to North America and eastern Asia, the plant is especially common in the Pacific North West, from Alaska to California. Habitats include forest edges and openings, moist woods, and wetlands.

From June to August it bears Yellow flowers with five spaced out petals, attracting bees and other pollinators. Probably the most unique feature of large-leaf avens is the long bristly styles creating round pin cushion-like seed heads. The leaves have a variety of interesting shapes and sizes on the same plant.

Many species and cultivars of Geum exist as garden plants and are easily divided or started via seed. Large-leaf avens is Low maintenance provided it's given adequate moisture. The plant also has some medicinal use as a Styptic, astringent, and febrifuge. Indigenous peoples used both the roots and leaves of the plant to make medicine for stomach pain or to aid in pregnancy and delivery.

Growing From Seed

Growing from seed is one of the most economical and satisfying ways to build a native plant garden. The table shows brief planting instructions, including how long and what kind of stratification this plant needs. For further information on stratification and seed preparation please refer to our article: Preparing To Grow Wild Plant Seeds

Seeds/Packet Coming soon...
Seeds/Gram Coming soon...
Cost/Gram $Price coming soon...
Dormancy Treatment Coming soon...
Seeding Instructions Coming soon...

Growing From Plants

Seedlings are a more economical option than established plants and an easier start than growing from seed. Our plants are shipped in soil blocks or plug trays. Plants do surprizingly well in the mail but need special care upon arrival. Please see Planting Mail Order Seedlings for information on how to plant and care for seedlings.


We currently ship seeds to all Canadian provinces and ship plants just within the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Seeds ship year-round and usually take a few days (or longer if you are ordering from a distant province). It usually takes 2-5 business days in the mail for plant orders once shipped. Plants are generally available from May to September and can be reserved during off season; Shipping costs are calculated during checkout. Seed orders over $100 ship free! See Shipping for more details.