Service Berry
Service Berry Flowers
Service Berry
Service Berry Leaves


A beautiful, small understory tree, native to Ontario and Niagara. The Service Berry is known for its attractive flowers, smooth/silvery bark and fall colour. Commonly planted in landscapes and cities.


Elliptic, serrate with an alternate arrangement. Very nice yellow/orange/red fall colour.

Twigs & Buds

Dark, purple/brown stems with slender, purple, pointy buds.

Flowers & Fruit

Attractive white flowers in mid to late April lasting only one week. In late March, branches can be cut off and placed in water to force flowers to appear. The name "Service" possibly derived from this practice (winter funeral service). The name "Shadbush" came from the timing of Shad fish spawning as Service Berry flowers appear. In June, fruit are tasty like blueberries and can be used to make "Saskatoon berry jam". Berries should be eaten when purple, not red.

No seeds available for this plant at this time.
No plants available for this plant at this time.


We currently ship within the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, and it usually takes 2-5 business days in the mail once shipped. Seeds ship year-round. Plants are generally available from May to September and can be reserved during off season; Shipping costs are calculated during checkout. Seed orders over $100 ship free! See Shipping for more details.