Medium sized trees found is the swampy woodlands of Eastern North America. The black ash is cold tolerant and extends further north than the Green or White Ash. Very tolerant of waterlogging but not shade tolerant. Its flexible wood is commonly used for barrel hoops, canoe ribs, snowshoe frames and baskets because of its ability to be bent permanently.
Compound, with 7-11 leaflets. Leaf colour is dark green on both upper and lower surfaces. The margins consist of small, sharp teeth and no leaf stalk is present. reddish-brown colour in the fall.
Scaly, soft, corky and able to indent or peel off by hand. Green and White ash bark is firm and non scaly. Light grey in colour.
Broader and flatter samara than those of the White or Green Ash. Seeds germinate irregularly, in 2-7 years.
Buds are near black in colour. Uppermost lateral buds are slightly below the terminal bud with bark showing in between. Other ashes have no such gap. Twigs are very stout, becoming grey with age.