Bayberry Willow

bayberry willow
© ajschmitz, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)
Botanical Name: Salix myricoides
Other Names: blueleaf willow
Family: Salicaceae Native to: Eastern North America, Interior North America
Eco benefits: erosion control
Natural habitat: waters edge, dunes
Shapes: multi-stemmed, clump
Height: 7-16ft
Growth rate: fast
Common uses: naturalized plantings
Light: full sun
Transplanting: easy
Soil: moist and fertile, wet, sandy
Reproduction type: dioecious

Bayberry willow is a medium sized shrub native to Eastern North America. It occurs mainly in moist to wet dunes, shores, and sandy areas along the Great Lakes.

bayberry willow thicket
(c) Paul Marcum – some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

The leaves are lance-like, and somewhat sharply toothed. Catkins appear slightly before or with the leaves (April to June). Resembles Salix eriocephala (heart-leaved willow) except bayberry willow has thicker leaves and a more glaucous surface. Stipules at the leaf base is another identifying feature. Salix myricoides hybridizes on dunes with Salix cordata which can also pose a challenge for identification.


Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (n.d.). Salix myricoides Muhl. Retrieved from

MICHIGAN FLORA ONLINE. A. A. Reznicek, E. G. Voss, & B. S. Walters. February 2011. University of Michigan. Web. October 20, 2020.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. (n.d.). Salix myricoides Muhl. Bayberry willow. Retrieved from

Wisconsin State Herbarium. (n.d.). Salix myricoides muhl. Retrieved from